Saturday, June 03, 2006

Work changes everything.

Been really busy lately especially with work.

Alright, lets just say that busy is just an excuse. As a matter of fact, its not that there is tonnes of work load waiting to be done and on the contrary it is basically stress free, just that with all the sleeping early and waking up early, it drained me physically.

There is a whole lot of photos waiting to be uploaded to this blog, but I've been too tired and my brother is hogging the computer since he is on holidays now.

Lots of changes going on with my working life and hopefully by Sunday i would be able to update it and post up all the pictures I've took.

Gonna head to slumberland now, later in the evening have to attend my Grandma's Birthday celebration at my Uncle's house located at Joo Chiat.

** I miss the days when ...

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