Wednesday, January 03, 2007

My Xmas

Had a pretty different Christmas from the past years. This year i'm headed off to KL for the very first time.

The trip to KL was filled with many funny incidents. Starting off with Aaron who thought the coach set off at 8pm instead of 8am. What worst was he boarded the cab without his passport and went back to retrieve it, adding to an amount of $30 cab fare to goldenmile. For this, i totally salute him! Bahaha.

Bus Coach to KL

Due to whatsoever reasons, the journey to KL took about 7 hours instead of the usual 5 hours! Alighted at Berjaya Time Square and took a cab to Impenia Hotel.

Angel & My Room

The guys' chalet hotel room

Boys will always be boys

The trip!

Waiting for the coach back!

Overall, the trip was better than i've anticipated. Christmas Eve was spent at KL Zouk and its way fun with the drinking, Hai Tai Quan, dancing and *Secret*, only trip goers knows! Bahaha.

Probably its the company that made the trip fun.

This is just a random useless picture.

this too, is random.

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