Sunday, June 19, 2005

Skipped 2 lectures on friday morning, just because i was doing last minute work for my article review. As a result, i overslept, and went to school for my only lab session, which i wore slippers and got caught.

That poor Rae, got caught in the rain and was late for the lab! Our lecturer marked her late and she said something like this, "I'll mark you late, AND late is equivalent to ABSENT". Great isn't it. She came and was marked absent! Bad bad day.

Got home, took a nap and went off to my cousin's, Isabelle birthday. Had bbq crabs and some norm bbq stuffs.

As for today, i met up with Angel and Michy, ages since i last saw 'em. Miss 'em quite abit! Both of 'em still looks like the same old shit! HAHA. I'm gonna get killed for saying this. Everyone seems to be pretty tied up by their work and stuffs, we are seeing each other lesser and lesser. But i'm sure, our bond is still there, i HOPE! Contradicting myself.

Will have a get-together when Weilin is back from Bali alright? Cheers!

...Bed is calling for me, it needs warmth from me! Tata!

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